可提供 89 Scugog Street 的取貨服務
通常會在 4 小時內準備就緒
Catherine Pooler - Word Die - With Love
89 Scugog Street
可提供取貨服務, 通常會在 4 小時內準備就緒89 Scugog Street
Bowmanville ON L1C3J3
Catherine Pooler - Word Die - With Love. The perfect little extra is the With Love Word Die. This hand-scripted word die is an all-in-one continuous phrase that could be clipped apart and positioned stacked if desired. Delicate and pretty, the With Love Word Die is perfect for Valentine's Day and any day you need to send love.
Illustrated by Shawna Clingerman
Stainless steel and are compatible with all standard die cutting machines.
Illustrated by Shawna Clingerman
Stainless steel and are compatible with all standard die cutting machines.